It's definitely a very important topic, and I'm glad that you brought it up. I think that education is the key thing that we need to work on. The earlier we start, I think, the better it will be in terms of the long-term impact.
I'll give you a couple of examples of the work that we have been doing. I'm a bench scientist working in the lab on a computer, but I get to go out to the field and see some of the sites. A few years ago, I had the chance of visiting some of the sites that are used for oil and gas extraction around the Cold Lake area in Alberta. I saw that basically there were large patches of the forest being cleared for the facilities and pipelines, and so on. We were involved with coming in and finding ways to restore the forest to its natural state.
It's just like when you do surgeries. Nowadays, rather than doing these large, invasive surgeries, we can do very small incisions that are more accurate. Imagine if the engineers or the workers involved in this knew the importance of biodiversity and the difficulty of bringing back these forests to their natural states. They would probably be thinking about methods and approaches that could be less harmful to the environment. Even though they are not experts in this field, they could collectively have the knowledge and understanding of, for example, the importance of the environment.
I throw in a key word that we've been thinking about, which is “bioliteracy”. In general, for everything biological, from medical and life sciences to environmental and biodiversity-related issues, I think bioliteracy.... Citizen science programs are some of the best ones. People, whether school kids, indigenous communities or workers in an oil company, will all believe they're part of the scientific enterprise of gathering information. That will allow them to go in and learn what the information is going to be used for. How are the scientists at Environment Canada or at NGOs like Living Lakes going to use this information? That's going to create this bioliteracy layer that we're all looking for.
Nowadays, putting the checks and balances in place, we can actually utilize this information. It's educational, but it's also scientifically very useful for us and probably, for some issues, the only way to go forward.