It's a really remarkable program that started off in Vancouver and then sort of went viral. Now there's a Creative Destruction Lab Rockies, there's one in the Maritimes and there are subsections for health sciences, space and quantum. The idea obviously has a lot of interesting momentum behind it, but basically it gathers together mentor investors. This is a really key thing.
When we sent our start-up company into the Creative Destruction Lab, they said they didn't really want to go into another accelerator where somebody would tell them how to write their business plan one more time. I said, no, the difference is that the people involved in this are investors, and after every round, the investors at the table are asked if any of them is still interested in working with this company or how many people are still interested in potentially investing in this company. If nobody puts up their hand, the company is exited. It really forces people to look at really tangible things, not theoretical things. It's not “Does somebody want to invest in this company?” It's “Do I want to invest in the company? Does my colleague want to invest in the company?”
We've seen a lot of investment come and a lot of the companies really being incented to make the milestone or do the work to get to the next meeting, because they know that investment dollars are literally at the table when they're speaking to the investors. I think it's a really interesting model, and I would encourage you to take a look. I'm sure we could get you invited to the UBC one if you would like, but there are other ones across the country.
It's a really interesting and successful piece. We've made excellent contacts that have helped us with not just one technology but now looking at new technologies, and the contacts we've made there are helping us with things like “You should talk to so-and-so” or, if this is a mining technology, “Let me introduce you to somebody.” It's really wonderful networking.