The report was actually focused on federal research support systems and, within that, there's a component of study and recommendations focused on how to connect our innovation, our inventions, to commercialization, because when we had consultations across our country, people from the private sector also came to speak to the panel.
The report was released yesterday, as I said. It's on the website. I will be very happy to submit the report to the committee.
For example, as previous panellists this morning have said, we have the basic elements of the system in place. One of the challenges in Canada, which is a large and diverse country, is the connectivity of the system, of the various elements to each other. How do universities create business-facing entities within their environments so that private sector investors can come looking for a technology at the university and the universities can talk to the private sector, simply creating a database where people can search for the patents, connect with each other and go from there.
As for the lack of risk capital investment in our country, I believe, considering the size of the country, we may have some appropriate amount of investments available, but I think the role of the federal and provincial governments is to tie it together into a package by creating incentives and blended funding. The speed with which we can create the blended funding to invest in our technology is something that we need to tighten up, and that's one of the recommendations we have made in the report.
The second part within that is the training program. I think in our universities we need to create an investment so that graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and newly recruited professors are much more savvy and flexible and keep an eye on commercialization and creating an economic advantage for our country when they create a technology.
I think that ecosystem connect is something that we were focused on, and in the next steps on the report we have submitted to the federal government we would really like to see some action on that.
These are the two points, based on the recommendations, that I submit to you and the committee.