Yes. As to whether there are particular sectors, one area I could comment on, in which we have been quite active as a post-secondary sector, has been responding to the federal government's bioinnovation and biomanufacturing strategy and the investments that have been made just recently, which I think have been motivated by the pandemic and the realization that Canada was lacking domestic capacity to mobilize quickly for novel therapeutics, diagnostics and, most notably, vaccines.
I don't want to overstate the negatives, because there is a biotech and bioinnovation sector in Canada and there are investments being made now to try to bolster that through the Canada biomedical research fund. However, to answer your question, that is one domain in which I think the stress test of a global pandemic revealed that sector to be weaker than that of some other countries. I think we could look to what the U.K. achieved and what the U.S. achieved with the rapid mobilization of massive funding for vaccine development. Indeed, the two most notable vaccines came out of R and D in the U.S.