I think you basically say, at a national level, that we take some stewardship here, through some kind of agency, which was the earlier question. Is this a job universities really want, or one they were forced to take?
We did consultation with 170 or 180 different organizations and all the universities. Managing TTOs is not a satisfying exercise for anybody, because everybody knows it's not a structure that's going to work. It's Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
I think they inherited a structural problem. Our report basically said, “Let's evolve to something that's got some form of resource. Let the TTOs exist, but take them out of the aspects of the job they don't like. We provide services, education and patent pooling. If you want to knock yourself out in this job, go ahead.” However, we found most of them want out of the job.
It's not a penalizing system; it's a system to allow them to migrate out of something they don't want to do but still let them do the education and research and preserve the downstream possibility of commercialization for the benefit of Canada.
I think it's an elegant evolution of a system we have.