That is an intractable problem. A report by the Centre for Productivity and Prosperity concluded that the problem is actually a lack of internal competition in the country. That is part of it. I don't want to be glib and say that part of it could be that we're a bit complacent and lack the ambition. The Rideau Hall culture of innovation index, which is really more on the soft side of it, used a mixed methods approach to ask Canadians to rank who's responsible for fostering innovation. You could rank your top three or so. Half the people said it's the federal government, 45% said the universities, 36% said individuals and then start-ups, and 27% said business, so there is a culture here. I'm not so sure if.... It's a change management issue beyond a straight policy issue.
In summary, again, we have a lack of competition that is regulatory, and we do have a culture of innovation issue here as well.