I think one key place for us to invest to make that possible is in supporting those innovations and that risk space. We're certainly seeing more and more investment now in the start-ups and the opportunities here in Saskatchewan and in the Prairies in general than we have in the past. There's been tremendous growth in terms of the bioprocessing space.
We're trying to move away from that notion that we're just a net exporter of commodities to look at more and more opportunities for bioprocessing here. We look at the strengths and the strides that we've made in terms of plant-based protein and the processing there.
As I alluded to in my remarks, I think one of the really important pieces there is to recognize that along with those bioprocessing opportunities, there are other spin-off opportunities, because we're rarely taking one commodity and turning it wholesale into something else. There are usually fractions that are being used. When we're talking about the new energy plants that are going up in parts of the Prairies that are looking at producing energy from canola that cannot be used for human consumption—sometimes it's just off-grade—that doesn't mean it can't be produced and used for biodiesel. There are by-products. I alluded to canola meal, but that's only part of it. We need to continue to invest in that foundational science that says, okay, what is in these by-products? What are the useful pieces of these by-products? What would it take for us to turn this into something useful, whether that's from a soil amendment through to some other types of products that can maybe be used in manufacturing other types of materials?
I think the foundational research is looking at the composition, our tools for examining what those different compounds are made up of, how that tool kit has continued to grow, but then there's providing the space and the investment for those ideas to incubate. It's really exciting to see more of that investment happening here, and I think that having those ecosystems supported at all levels will be key going forward.