Attraction and retention of talent is one of the most important things for this country. The talent will go wherever the investments are. I will answer that, with regard to COVID, it has been extremely difficult to attract international talents into this country. They're not able to travel. It's difficult for the interviews. There are programs in place now that were launched recently about the Canada excellence research chairs, which will certainly help us to attract world talent into our respective regions.
As I mentioned in my remarks, this is the most important asset we have, not only in the universities but across the spectrum in industry as well. When we established our satellite campus, as I like to call it, in Kanata North, I heard three things from industry in terms of what they want. They want talent; they want the ability to re-skill their people; and they want to partner with universities to bring the next generation, the solutions, into their hands. Those are the main three things.
As I said, retaining our talent is very important, and if we don't invest in our infrastructure and the indirect costs of research.... The research support fund that the federal government provides is very important for universities in order to put this infrastructure in place. I will limit it to this, but I could go further because I think my colleagues might want—