Thank you all for being here today.
I'm sorry that I was a little late in getting here, but I did try to listen to your testimony as I ran between the House of Commons and this building.
I want to start with Dr. Bedard-Haughn, simply because it's always wonderful to talk to a soil scientist. There's a soil scientist theme running through my family. My brother-in-law is a soil scientist. My father and my uncle worked for Agriculture Canada in Summerland in the soil building. It's not often that I meet a soil scientist again. It's great to have you before us.
With that in mind, because all of my connections to soil scientists are with Agri-Food and Agriculture Canada, or whatever it's called now.... They have a centre in Saskatoon.
I have a broad question about collaboration and co-operation between academic institutions, like the university, and government research that we have there. You talked about sharing resources and things like that. Is that something that goes on easily? Is it something that we should foster, in terms of infrastructure, equipment and collaboration on projects?