Mr. Chair and honourable members, thank you very much for the invitation.
Who am I? I am a lawyer, a patent and trademark agent and an engineer. For the last 20 years, I've been working on the business side of intellectual property in Canada. I’ve filed thousands of patents, and I've personally trained over a thousand engineers, technologists and business leaders about intellectual property. Today I am the chief IP officer at the Scale AI supercluster, where I’ve been involved with more than 100 Canadian AI projects. It’s all these experiences that bring me before you today.
IP law is complicated, but as a tool of business, IP is not complicated. Canadian entrepreneurs, business people and legislators all have incredible common sense and business judgment, and all of this knowledge is equally applicable to the world of intellectual property.
For example, tonight some of us will go home and relax with our favourite streaming service—Netflix, Crave or whatever—but what are you going to choose to watch? Will you choose the streaming service that has the most copyrights? Will you choose the most innovative, avant-garde show out there? Probably not, because we already know from our everyday experiences that IP and innovation alone do not make customer choice. To be successful, you need innovation that customers want, and then to get the full commercial benefit, you need the right IP measures to support.
Technology innovation and patents work exactly the same way. It's market-relevant innovation that's the driver, and IP plays a very important supporting role.
What else do we already understand about commercializing innovation? Economics 101? It's supply and demand. Almost every witness at this committee has agreed on one thing. Although Canada’s supply of innovation is pretty good, the industry demand is weak.
You’ve heard that our university research is robust, but finding industry partners is hard. Our start-up and VC community is one of the best outside of Silicon Valley, but they can’t find the Canadian customers who are essential for scale-up.
Commercialization is all about stimulating demand. We can’t start selling more unless Canadian companies start buying more. Scale AI’s recent research report, “AI at Scale”, comes to the same conclusion in Canadian AI. However, fostering innovation demand isn’t just about supporting financial risk. That’s why Scale AI is connecting industry customers to academia and to start-ups, because those connections foster demand and they provide a customer focus to direct innovation. The Canada innovation corporation could play a similar role for Canada.
Turning to patents, what do we already know? Patents leverage the business value of innovation. That means patents sit at the intersection of innovation, IP law and business. What you might not know is that well over half of all patents miss their business target, which severely impacts their strategic value as an IP asset. The inventor and the legal professional working together cover the technology and legal angles, but more than half the time, there’s no ongoing business guidance to direct the creation of that asset.
If we just increase Canada’s patent output, we can expect a very high ongoing failure rate to meeting our IP goals. Reducing that failure rate by even a small amount will help Canada build a higher-quality IP position versus our global peers. As a smaller country, Canada must work smarter.
The last thing I want to touch on in particular is education. What does common sense tell us about education? What we teach and how we teach matter. If we want to build the next generation of chess grandmasters, is it enough to teach them how chess pieces are made and the basic rules of the game? If IP is a business tool, then we need to open the door to market-specific business tactics on how IP builds competitive advantage.
Developing champions and role models will also have a major impact. I’ve seen this first-hand in my career. Teaching IP rules and generic strategies does not move the needle, but when I switched to having champions lead their peers, the effect was incredible.
Crucially, we need to empower our entrepreneurs to see IP as a lever of business so they can apply their wealth of business experience to how they use IP. That’s also how we get at that failure rate I mentioned a moment ago. Again, I think the CIC has a role to play here.
To wrap up, I have three simple messages. Commercializing innovation needs demand, and demand needs relationships. We can supercharge Canadian IP by fostering business-relevant IP. On education, what we teach and how we teach matter.
I didn't have any time to get into artificial intelligence, but I'm happy to take questions.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.