Thank you very much.
Thank you for the question. I'm really happy to tell you a bit more about it.
First, the nexus initiative is really built on our experience in the Institute for Infectious Disease Research over the last almost 20 years, where the emphasis really has been on interdisciplinary teamwork and bringing people together across disciplines that don't normally work together and providing rewards for doing so.
Some of those are obviously financial rewards that are enabled, frankly, by very generous philanthropic gifts that have pioneered our ability to do this cross-disciplinary work. As you've heard, it is very challenging in the Canadian system to foster that, frankly, and it is in fact very challenging to foster that in the university system, because the rewards are primarily individual.
The nexus initiative is really built to be able to bridge all of those gaps through the development of teams and through the development of pre-existing collaborations and, as Dr. Mossman said, both within the university and with our partners in industry, government and not-for-profit agencies across the globe. That really provides us an opportunity to do truly agile interdisciplinary work that is directly focused on impacts.