As part of our studies, we looked at the impact of scientific publication on salaries, and noticed that, quite often, a more research-oriented career, resulting in greater scientific output, has an impact on salary. During the pandemic, women published less, but men published more, because women took on a lot of child care during the school years. I myself did some homeschooling with two of my children, which took up a huge amount of my time, on top of all the tasks associated with my professorial role, which took up more time.
So I expect that this gender gap in publishing that we've seen in 2020 and 2021 will have an impact, but it's hard to measure right now, because we're waiting for the upcoming promotions to have enough data to know the exact gap. It's certainly something we'll see in the Statistics Canada data.
On the other hand, I reiterate what my colleague was suggesting. It's going to take a lot more data in these surveys to fully understand the phenomenon, and this data will have to be systematically matched with data relating to funding, articles and citations, for example. In fact, we need to document the professorial career, because for a researcher like me, who spends a lot of time studying and matching this data to make sure that the John Smith of Memorial University is not the John Smith of the University of Toronto or the John Smith of the University of British Columbia who has changed institutions, it becomes very complex to measure.