For me, a really top priority is what we call the highly qualified talent. We know that much of the best research, and in fact, how our companies innovate and so on, really depends on the emerging generation. It depends on those who are now completing their graduate degrees, post-docs and so on. What we need to be able to do internationally is to make sure studying here, undertaking research here and pursuing careers here across all sectors is financially viable. One of the issues—and you've heard a lot about this—is that it's a huge domestic risk for us if we do not take this very seriously.
You've heard me say before right now we're 26th in the OECD rankings of 37 countries in terms of the proportion of our population with graduate degrees, which I don't think is the profile of a country that's really going to thrive in the 21st century. We need to really take very seriously this question of the highly qualified talent we need across sectors in terms of innovating our society, our culture and so on and really building the kind of high-value economy society, which is really the only kind that's going to succeed in the 21st century.