Yes. We've seen that Alberta is a particular example, and Quebec, as you know, has Axelys and other programs that are working very closely with universities.
A lot of this is a provincial matter, so the provinces need to step up as well, but it is also federal, provincial and the universities. Everybody has to be responsible. It's my responsibility, as somebody who sees this happening, to not stay quiet about it.
It's only because of Sean Silcoff, Christine Dobby and the others at The Globe and Mail, like Bob Fife and Steve Chase, who picked up on this story in May 2018 and before. They saw there was a lot going on and asked why 13 Canadian universities were systematically pulling IP out of the universities while the same time, later that year, the two Michaels were detained for over 1,019 days.
It's something that we need to be acutely aware of, and the provinces are integral to making sure that this is successful.