Thank you, Chair, and thank you to the witnesses today for some very insightful testimony.
Mr. Obed, in particular I appreciated your perspective quite a bit. It's always good to hear from a Calgarian. I appreciated that commentary as well too.
Colleagues, just before I get into my questions, I have one housekeeping item I'd like to draw colleagues' attention to. It relates to Canada's ability to address the very emergent situation of climate change. With that, I move:
That pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(i), the Standing Committee on Science and Research conduct a study regarding the recent investigation and reports on Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and serious allegations surrounding wrongdoing at the fund; that this study examine the ways in which these alarming allegations surrounding the fund, which distributes one billion dollars to the clean technology sector, may have impeded Canada’s abilities to research and deploy new technologies and advancements in science in the important fight against climate change; that the committee invite relevant SDTC officials, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, related government officials and expert witnesses; that the study consist of at least 5 meetings; that the committee report its findings to the House; and that the witness meetings happen by December 31, 2023.
Colleagues, partisanship aside, we may have differing opinions of how to get to this end goal, but we do need to have ways to fight climate change in Canada. STDC is Canada's largest financial supporter of early stage environmental technology. It is, I believe, entirely government-funded and taxpayer-funded, and there have been some significantly alarming allegations that have been playing out over the last several months, to which I believe there has been very little remedy applied.
I'm sure that there will be investigations into some of the allegations of misappropriation or mismanagement, but the reality is that we're now close to a year into these allegations about this fund. The fund has been suspended, and this is one of the primary ways of Canada applying funds to come up with ways to fight climate change. When we look at Canada's greenhouse gas emissions inventory and we see that we're not even 50% of the way to meeting our emissions reduction targets, the only way that we are going to move people off high-carbon consumer products and practices is if widely deployed substitutes for those high-carbon products and practices are readily available. That could be things like green infrastructure, be it EV charging stations or electrified grids, or frankly, since we have a Calgarian on the line, even an LRT up to north central Calgary.
However, the reality is that a lot of these technologies have to be developed, and Canada's key fund for researching these technologies is under a cloud of significant controversy right now. Given the scope of this committee's work with regard to its mandate to look at research and development in Canada, it is very incumbent on us and urgent, probably one of the most urgent things that we could do, that we examine how this misappropriation, which has not been remedied, is impacting Canada's ability to research and deploy new technologies that could help to actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Colleagues, very briefly, for those of you who might not be aware of what has happened, it has now been a year, and there was another incident last week that spiked this to the forefront.
A year ago, in November of last year, 20 current and former employees of the foundation raised concerns about the agency's financial mismanagement and harmful workplace culture. In a 300-page document submitted to the Auditor General's Office and later to the Privy Council Office, they claimed that certain projects put forward for STDC funding were introduced by individuals with close ties to the agency's leadership, raising concerns about breaches to STDC's conflict of interest policy. The claimants also alleged that there were poor workplace conditions. Then in April there was a small investigation that cost the government tens of thousands of dollars. There was a report issued, but no remedy has been put in place to date.
The fund has been frozen, and just a couple of days ago, on November 1, there was a CBC article about a recording of the assistant deputy minister at innovation, science and technology making comments about the fund and some of the alleged mismanagement. “It was free money” was one of the comments that were made, and it's “almost a sponsorship-scandal level of giveaway.”
Colleagues, it's very important that we.... This is Canada's top fund to look at technologies that could help address climate change. It's currently frozen. We now have a top bureaucrat within the Government of Canada likening the management of this fund to the sponsorship scandal. It is incumbent upon this committee to figure out what recommendations need to be given to the government to ensure that the funding is, one, appropriately managed, and, two, directed to research and development activities that can actually help get technologies put forward that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this country.
I can't think of a more important thing for our committee to be doing. I would argue that we can do this study as well, but we need to have people in front of this committee talking about the impact that the freezing of the fund and mismanagement and lack of action is having on Canada's competitiveness and ability to research technologies and come up with alternatives that would allow us to fight climate change.
You know, it's a mantra in the House that we need to look at the science and support scientific principles and look at research. You all know what my background is, and I completely agree with that, but we have to start with management and understanding the impact of this type of mismanagement on the science and research capacity of our country to address climate change.
Colleagues, I think this is a no-brainer. I would encourage you to support the motion so that we can get on with investigating this and coming up with ways, if the fund is going to be unfrozen...or maybe it shouldn't be unfrozen. Maybe it needs to be something else. That is what this committee's scope is for. We should be looking at that ASAP. There should be consequences for this mismanagement as well as for holding back Canada's capacity to do research in the important fight against climate change.
Thank you.