I'll give an example of the work that we did regarding clam gardens on the west coast. This is a really good example of the bridging, braiding and weaving.
The bridging happened when we asked the people of the Wei Wai Kum Nation about their knowledge of the ancient clam gardens that have been in existence for thousands of years. That's the bridging part. They shared with us their knowledge of the ancient technology, the science and engineering technology that was invented by the indigenous people on clam gardens.
The braiding happened when they started to share the knowledge with us about the clam gardens. When we went to them, they gave us a lot of information, more than what we asked for. For example, they gave us information regarding the food they ate back then—the food systems they had in place. They shared with us the technology they used to build the clam gardens. They shared with us the importance of the clam gardens within their little ecosystems and which other species lived within the clam gardens beside the clams. That was the braiding. From there, we started to braid these. We started to braid, for example, food and the technology that they used in the ecosystems.
Then from there we are developing a video as well, which is going to be shown within our department and across the department. It's going to be shared with the community as well. That is weaving—weaving the knowledge of these systems, the knowledge of the clam gardens and western science. We'll be developing reports as well as publications.
That's an example of how knowledge is being bridged, braided and woven.