Thank you, Chair, and thank you to our witnesses.
It was unfortunate that we had to pause there for the closure. There is one other matter that we need to handle before we get into some more questions for you.
There was a development and we put a notice of motion on Friday. I move:
Given that: the Openmind Research Institute decision to partner with Huawei, and considering the dangers of advanced AI falling into the wrong hands, and given the risks posed by the People's Republic of China which have advanced to such a level that the Director of CSIS has publicly warned that “Everything that they're doing in our universities and in new technology, it's going back into a system very organized to create dual-use applications for the military” and, given that this committee has received expert testimony characterizing this as an “existential threat” to Canada, while the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry has consistently failed to proactively protect Canadians from the risks posed by companies with ties to the Chinese Communist regime such as Huawei, while insisting that “Our government's commitment to research security was further affirmed” the Science and Research Committee expresses its deep concern with this partnership to the House.
I'm asking for a quick vote, and then we'll get back to testimony.