Yes, 95% of Canada's population is within 50 kilometres of a college, as is 86% of the indigenous population. So we're everywhere. Plus, the fact that we work mostly with local companies helps us improve local economic conditions.
As I mentioned in my opening remarks, Niagara College focuses on industry sectors that are important to its region, such as manufacturing, food, beverages, environment and horticulture, among others. Every college in Canada tends to do this.
You have to know that applied research with local businesses or non-profits is a contact sport, as they say. You really have to be ready. People have to come and try the new product we've designed with them, whether it's a new recipe or a new drink. They have to come and test the prototype we've just made for them. Often, when they adopt the technology, we'll help them install it in their factory. So proximity is very useful.
We get more convincing and effective results when we can keep a role in the company's future. Generally speaking, when we hand over the intellectual property of a product to a company, they want to know whether they should protect it, or how to market the product. We can help companies to do this, since we're usually quite close to them geographically, and thus guide them further in their economic development. Proximity changes everything.
Of course, companies across Canada can benefit from grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, but the more local FedDev Ontario grants, for example, target a certain region of Ontario. Generally, that's closer.