I see thumbs up and nods of heads. Thank you. We'll do that by consent.
Mr. Cannings mentioned that this is my last meeting. I'll be resigning the chair effective the end of the day on Monday, so Tuesday, when the meeting starts in public, the clerk will begin the meeting with the first item on the agenda being the election of a new chair. I will be continuing as a member on the side and answering questions, but, more importantly, I'll be able to do some of that work virtually, given some of the other commitments I have in my life.
Thank you all for your collaboration and co-operation in my time as chair. It's been a pleasure to serve, and I look forward to serving as a member at the side of the table.
We're going to be looking for unanimous consent in the House after question period to table report 10, which we had hoped to do at the beginning of the day today. In my role as chair, that will hopefully be something that we get completed and across the finish line. I know the Conservatives have a dissenting report they also want to table. Hopefully, we get unanimous consent to do that.
With that, I'll look for adjournment and I wish you all the best.
Thank you.