Thank you very much.
There are the SSHRC-specific programs and also the programs through the TIPS, the tri-agency institutional programs. Some of these are quite large.
As an example, in 2022 the Canada first research excellence fund awarded the Qanittaq clean Arctic shipping initiative over $91 million. It is a partnership between Memorial University of Newfoundland and the University of Ottawa, but there's a host of other partners, so it's a very large, unique partnership. The Inuit Circumpolar Council was part of the co-development of that. That's, I think, a shift that we've seen in the past 10 or15 years, with co-development of applications, co-construction of knowledge and co-publication. All of that is happening much closer together. That's one example.
In ArcticNet, we have nine SSHRC-funded Canada research chairs whose work is on the north. There are three NSERC-funded CERCs—Canada excellence research chairs—and Canada 150 research chairs. In the partnership in insight grants, we have some projects in French, which are on intercultural mediation and ontological conflicts in justice in Nunavik. There's also a scoping and “storying“ project on food governance in Inuit Nunangat. There's a whole range of topics.
If you'd like, we can send you more information on these particular projects, on which ones are partnerships and the types of partners that are there.
I would just like to add with regard to NordForsk that when it seemed that we would be invited to join—because we had to be invited to join—the first thing the team did was reach out to ITK. This project is being led by a foreign organization, but we really want to work within our zone of control, to make sure to bring in ITK as quickly as possible and to see how we could influence the call that was eventually launched for this funding opportunity but, really, to work closely together. That's very important as well, because the relationship with indigenous partners is not necessarily the same when we work with some of our international partners, so I think it's an important role that the—