It's a matter of choice in the areas in which we work. One of the benefits the Canadian system does have is the way that people will collaborate together and actually make decisions and focus on particular areas.
I'll give you an example with the particle physics community in Canada. We work in the accelerator lab in Geneva, called CERN, which is the global facility for particle physics. There are a variety of detectors that are looking for things like the Higgs particle, and so on. The Canadian community came together, and rather than deciding to work on all four of the detectors, we decided to work on a single detector. By doing so, by working solely on ATLAS, we've basically been able to focus all of our efforts onto that single detector and had a real impact within the ATLAS collaboration.
It's basically a question of the choices that are made and the collaborative ability of Canadians and Canadian researchers to focus and pull together on a variety of different areas.