I mentioned additives. I would be very cautious about what types of additives are needed to make that plastic functional, because they will likely be similar to the additives that are needed to make petroleum-based plastics functional.
Secondly, those plastics will act the same way in the environment as any other petroleum-based plastic. That's why I say it's helpful if those things are used for durable products that can be collected at end of life. If we're using them for packaging, we know right now that a certain amount of packaging ends up leaked into the environment, where those bioplastics will end up doing the same type of damage, likely, as petroleum-based plastics.
We're very supportive of the research on durables. We obviously recognize at Environmental Defence that we have to get away from reliance on oil and gas, but it's not going to be the full answer for the kind of plastic pollution we see today.