For making any bioplastic, you need to pin down any particular feedstock. You can make bioplastic from corn, starch, potatoes, whatever. When we were in the Atlantic region, we found that the seaweed also can be used for extracting biopolymers, but there are multiple purposes for seaweed. It was very advantageous for us because, first, the material made from the seaweed can be bio-based and biodegradable. Second, you do not require any cultivation. You don't need an agricultural farm. It can grow in the marine environment. Third, the best part about seaweed is that it's easy to cultivate and harvest, and fourth, the Atlantic regions have an abundant quantity of good-quality seaweed.
We thought that, okay, the feedstock issue has been resolved. Whenever you are building a bioplastic manufacturing plant, the highest risk is on your feedstock. If you can resolve that, it can welcome the investment for research and development. It can be scalable technology, you know.