Typically, the way it works is they get the discount upfront, immediately. In the case I used earlier, when that generic was introduced, our members got Aurora for $10.75 an acre, when Horizon, the original pesticide, was selling for $21 an acre. So they got the discount right upfront. Again, that was not related to the discount that a farmer who was using fertilizer would get. They're all specific.
There was a problem, however, and what we're now doing is we're going to an empower reward system, and I'll tell you why. What happened is the farmers with all the skin in the game were also creating discounts for farmers who had no skin in the game. So in the case of this $10.75 for Aurora, we found out that over a period of 30 days, $60 million in discounts happened in related projects, so farmers who weren't members also got the benefit of what was happening at FNA. We're being less price-transparent now. We are giving a certain amount of discount right upfront, so the farmer members know they're getting a discount, but then the rest of it accrues back in empower rewards. So it's a little less transparent. If you want the benefit of the discount, you have to become a member.