Sure. There is great awareness-building.
That was going to be my next step. I own a couple of franchise restaurants. I'm a member of a franchise organization that had some of the same troubles with approaching banks for capital. Collectively, as the association and as individual businesses, we had to educate the bankers on who we were, what we were, what was equity in our business, and what wasn't. The fact that the sign didn't say “Joe” out front but said somebody else still meant that I owned the business, and we spent some time doing that. We've been very successful. Each of the national banks now has a franchise program for use with most of the major franchise restaurants.
How long will it take for the cooperative sector to get together? Mr. Wrobel was here this morning and seemed to be quite aware of what was happening in the banking sector, although I took him to task on something else, but it doesn't sound as though they're unaware of your sector. It does sound as though they need to know what equity means in your sector and that type of thing. Am I correct there?