Absolutely. That's our goal; that's our intent. That's our business plan. It's to replicate first across Atlantic Canada with our cooperative and credit union partners, then to replicate nationally. We're already working with The Co-operators, as a matter of fact, on a pilot initiative. So it can be replicated. I think one of the beauties of our sector is that we're all about sharing best practice, sharing what works in one region and hoping it will take root and work in other regions.
This particular health care venture I think is a really unique opportunity for our sector, for communities, and for the country as a whole. Everybody is talking about health care, everybody's talking about the cost of health care, everybody's talking about the amount of the budget that goes to health care, but nobody's interested really in coming up with new out-of-the-box, community-owned solutions. We are. It's not going to be the panacea. It's not going to answer all the issues. But I think it should be supported and embraced as community and Canadians saying we want to be a part of the solution and here's an opportunity for us to do so.
Currently, the system, the thinking, and the policies are very much against that and don't engage or support that kind of thinking. If we want to make changes in health care or education and the other kinds of things, then this is absolutely where we need to go.