Have a number of members of Parliament come and attend the Imagine 2012 conference and have an opportunity to look at the economy from a different perspective, from the perspective of meeting human need. Certainly, we would be delighted to see them there.
What will the cooperatives get and what do cooperatives hope for? It's clear that our economy is failing in significant ways to meet human need. We have a looming energy crisis. We have a looming food crisis. We have ongoing financial turbulence in international markets. There's a whole series of problems, and I won't go into them all. But it's clear that the old neoclassical economics needs to be seriously rethought. It is not providing solutions to the problems that are facing us. We are in the midst of a jobless recovery after a series of recessions, including the great recession of 2008, so we clearly need to rethink what the economy is about and how we grow it in a stable, sensible way that meets human need. This is an enormous challenge.