Thank you.
Certainly in our area of operation, the challenges are many. We operate, as I indicated, in very remote parts of Canada, and just everyday business is a challenge. However, that's life. That's our role, and we're committed to meeting it.
Some of the challenges we face include the development of people. You talked about succession. In a cooperative, we have, I believe, a greater opportunity for positive succession planning, whether it's in a leadership role or at the employment level. We have a constant pool of people we can draw on, from the leadership standpoint. Co-op members become the next leaders of a cooperative. Our challenge is to have training and education programs that will enable them to fulfill their roles and represent all of the members of their cooperative. We have a training program, and we support local leadership development.
We also are very committed to the development of co-op employees. In the north there is great competition for competent and stable employees.