I believe it is the situation today that credit unions do operate across Canada and are accessible to Canadians. I don't think all credit unions operate the same way, so there are uniquenesses and there are more successes in certain regions than others. I believe it's truly a decision made by consumers and by residents whether the unique proposition is offered. I believe that the values-based approach we're taking is the future. What we take pride in is if we can influence the whole system moving forward.
Just to give an example, Vancity was the first organization to introduce socially responsible investing in Canada, and even internationally it's still just starting to take hold, with the ethical funds introduction. We're now proud to say that even TD Bank, etc., are all screening their investment portfolios across the organization. That's the type of change we're trying to cause. Responsible lending, the new regulations that came out on the mortgage lending by OSFI, or even the new announcements made by the Minister of Finance, in terms of mortgage lending rules—