First of all, our flexibility in offering product solutions, whether the blend-and-extend or flexible mortgage payment options for teachers, and all these things, are offered to our whole membership. Specifically, in the housing co-ops we are promoting that sector within all of our areas of reach. What we do is we help people get together to educate them around different ways for home ownership, especially in Vancouver, because Vancouver housing prices, as you're aware, are extraordinarily high, and for people to get into housing is a big issue. Right now we're really looking at this in terms of seniors as well.
So how do we help people educate themselves on different ways they could get into the housing market? Cooperative housing is one way, and there are a lot of benefits to that. So we promote that; we support it by offering financing options to them. Some of our options, when we're promoting areas, we to look at that and specifically see how flexible we need to be to make sure it's a viable option, not just something we promote, but economically viable by our credit criteria. We look at that holistically. So we do offer different solutions to be able to make that happen.
We also have flexibility in terms of different ways we set up the covenants, etc. If there are issues around housing, roofs, etc.--for instance, we had the leaky condo issues in Vancouver way back when.... We worked with the government agencies that were involved, but we also did a lot to try to support residents, making sure they could get loans to keep their houses without going into foreclosure bankruptcy as a result of that. We helped them deal with the issue at hand, because we knew the value would come back in the long term.