The biggest thing is that we have lots of members. They can invest now in the co-op, but they don't really get any kind of tax incentive or that sort of thing, as other Canadian corporations might get when you make an investment in such a corporation.
We have lots of farmers who are members. They have RRSP money that's been invested in the stock market or elsewhere. I think they would like to have that kind of money put into something they support in their community, rather than have it go out of their area. Those are some of the things we're sort of looking at.
We have access to loans, just like everybody else, through Farm Credit or Alberta Financial Services types of things, but those are just loans. We're looking at having membership participation in investing in these co-ops. We sell memberships. Each co-op sells its own memberships at each plant. So they have membership capital that way. We're just looking for more investment from other businesses in the communities.