With respect, in many instances there are a lot of studies that are showing the root causes. If you look at the backgrounder B to the original October 2010 announcement on the seven-step strategy for missing and murdered aboriginal women, it sets out some of the more commonly agreed on root causes. It then goes on to outline some of the Government of Canada's investments to address those specific root causes. I don't believe I can answer more than that on that particular part of your question.
When you're asking about the need for specific information, I suppose the problem will always be there. There are measures being taken to try to improve it as much as possible.
I think it is, conversely, a very difficult issue. Aboriginal identity is something that is very private to many people. They wish to control the designation of whether or not they are aboriginal and how they believe they identify themselves.
There will be difficulties with the police officers who are on the front line collecting information when they're there to respond, for example, to a domestic incident. It's not necessarily the first thing they can ask someone.