Great. Thank you very much.
Public Safety plays an active role in the communities in helping them work forward on these plans.
Through the questions, we can get into the processes against which we work with the communities and the kinds of things that we support and help them to develop. We have an ongoing process for receiving proposals and working with communities and identifying those that are most at risk.
We also have developed a network of aboriginal facilitators. Within the communities we're trying to build up the capacity across aboriginal communities that allow them to facilitate for themselves the kinds of processes they want to work through. We can deliver these processes every six weeks in communities and do follow-up work to ensure that we sustain that momentum.
To date, over 190 people have been trained as community mobilization trainers or community champions. That's another aspect of how we can sustain and ensure that the momentum we're building is continued. We anticipate that five additional safety plans will be completed this year. We will work with federal, provincial, and local partners to help harmonize our responses to identify these needs.