Ms. Bennett, I must first tell you that we don't have the financial or human resources capacity to meet with all the families. It would be pretentious of us to tell you it's what the families want. So it is important to be cautious.
However, we do have a network of families who are willing to testify. It is up to you to invite them, since it is your initiative. It's a federal government initiative that is welcomed by some groups, including the Native Women's Association of Canada. It's up to you to invite those families, and we can support you in that exercise.
It would be interesting to invite them for October 4, 2013. That's a very good idea, because a lot of families will be here on Parliament Hill and in other areas, as you mentioned. However, the request must come from your committee. We would be pleased to help you with that. As long as I am president of the Native Women's Association of Canada, I cannot claim to speak on behalf of the families, but I will support you if you send them an invitation. You should send them an invitation. You will see that these people are remarkable.