Well right now, I'm in Rama. It's a fairly healthy community, and it may be noteworthy that it's fairly prosperous with the casino, quite frankly. It's not that the casino is the answer by any stretch of the imagination, but what it did was generate an economy. It generated a demand for other services whether they be public works services, waste water, or policing, fire, ambulance, etc. With that, it also then compelled an administration: greater finance departments, legal departments, HR departments, and so on.
This economy manifested and it provided everyone with healthy employment. The community invested in training and development for its own people to be able to fulfill these new positions, this new economy, if you will. It's become quite successful. As a result of that, it's very mainstream, if you will: everybody works, they're raising their kids, their families. It's a very healthy community. There are issues from time to time, but there are issues anywhere in any community in Ontario. It's a completely different set of contrasts or communities, if you will, from the community I used to work in.
That's why I started to talk about Nishnawbe Aski Nation area. I worked there for four years. In response to your question, if I can speed it up a little bit, in the north it was dramatically different. Most of our responses were to violent incidents. There was an extraordinarily high rate; sometimes tenfold the national rate of violence for some offences. It was a dramatic change. It is a dramatic reality, but it's still very real.