Thank you. It's a great question.
I'll start by saying that a great amount of our training is mandatory. After the Ipperwash inquiry we took a really hard look at our training. The creation of the bureau happened after that, and we nailed down some concrete steps to help us move forward. I can say that the week-long course, in particular, is mandatory for our speciality units. Again, it goes back to the organizational commitment. For example, that would include be our tactical team, our search and rescue teams, our trainers, our intelligence officers. As well there's a focus on any detachment that has a first nation population within it or nearby. So that has been mandatory.
As well, the time we have with the recruits has been invaluable. We see them when they first arrive at the police academy. We also see them at the Ontario Police College, which means we're seeing every recruit in Ontario in that case. And then when our OPP recruits come back to the academy, we have them again for a time.
This training encompasses some history in first nation policing in Ontario, culture, and current issues, because while it's very important that we talk about the culture and the history piece—residential schools, of course—the officers will want to talk about what they see in the news, and about the current issues. So we have a piece on that.
We're constantly evaluating the training. We work closely with the provincial police academy to nail down our teaching points and objectives. We also consult constantly with our first nation officers and communities to keep offering the best product we can.
I talked about the lunch-and-learn series. It's really a bit of a capacity issue for us, because the demands are great. It's unfortunate that I don't have the numbers handy, but I know that even in that week-long off-site native awareness course that I talked about, we're putting through about 500 officers a year. We also open it up to first nation police services, municipal guests, other ministry partners, and local community agencies. If they would like to come and we're able to accommodate, we're happy to do that, especially any of our first nation leaders we work with. Because going back to that evaluation piece, of course, we welcome their input and feedback.