Thank you again.
One of the things we heard from others and from government officials is that the data isn't as good as it should be. We heard that maybe in New Zealand they have a better way of tracking what we're dealing with.
For all of you, I guess, obviously the murder clearance rate seems to be worrying, but do you have data as to the deaths due to intimate partners versus strangers or versus the sex trade? How do we solve this, I think, unless we know what we're dealing with?
Do we have a geographic approach in terms of needs-based funding? How do you know if these programs are working? Do you get to see the incidence of violence decrease if it's an effective program? Surely, too, we occasionally try things that don't work. Are we sharing the ones that aren't working such that we can actually really make sure that what we fund is effective?
I'll just throw these out for you.
I didn't realize that you're mainly dealing with first nations at the circle, because we've heard very clearly from Pauktuutit and the Métis that there needs to be a distinctions-based approach if you're going to deal with secure personal cultural identity and some of the things that we know actually work.
My third question that all of you can answer in whatever way you want is on, I think, the lack of cooperation between police forces, which is certainly the perception of the families we've talked to. Some even have called for not only a national action plan but a task force, from the RCMP to provincial policing to aboriginal policing. How do we show that people are talking amongst themselves and that these investigations really are taking place in a real way?
I think that when at the October 3 round table we did with families a stepfather says that he should have been the suspect and no one even questioned him, people don't feel that this is being taken seriously, and they feel that for some of these missing and murdered women, it's just somehow written off as inevitable, which is where I think we're seeing the lack of trust.
Answer whichever bits you want to.
Superintendent, maybe you want to?