I'll briefly add a few comments.
I very much share the comments of the National Chief and my fellow panellist, Cameron, on shared responsibility and the fundamental nature of this Canadian problem, which we have jointly created over time and can only jointly solve over time. It takes concerted action. It takes concerted leadership from those around this table and around your table.
It does take immediate action, and I would call on your committee to start that action immediately. It seems to me that your mandate is to deal with this issue from a national level. There is enough expertise. Enough people know what's going on.
I don't think the solutions are that far out of reach, but I really would strive towards a collective national goal-setting of some sort. I'm happy to work with the AFN on its action plan to set goals in the urban centres—we're almost always on the same page on these goals, about how to get there—and to give the full support of my organization across this country to help achieve those goals.
I believe it's going to take the empowerment of the communities at the local level, and that empowering can come from the national level.