Thank you.
Just to be clear, I think the action plan is absolutely in parallel with the call for the national public commission of inquiry, and I think that must be emphasized, because some may think the national public commission of inquiry is about what's happened over the course of history. This is something we're talking about that's happened in the past. What we're talking about are the two to three on a weekly basis who we learn about who've gone missing. We, like many agencies, including, I'm sure, the friendship centres and others, become involved in supporting families. For us it very often ends up being Charlene, and perhaps she can offer some additional reflections on your question.
I want to emphasize that as part of a response to your question. I think there's some sentiment that this is about what's happened in the past. This is absolutely about what's happening right now, and it's about pulling the veil back and having this country understand the depth of the crisis being faced, and for there to be a shared sense of obligation in this country about what's happening right now.
I know that goes only part way. Maybe I can ask Charlene to touch on the balance of what came out of the action plan, and help reflect the high-level priorities that would flow from it. They're all important.