Thank you, Madam Chair.
First of all, I totally agree with Ms. Smith and Mis Minna that the committee must examine the problem of human trafficking. This problem has already been studied extensively. A bill was introduced and eventually, the provisions could be strengthened. I think we need to invite some people here to discuss this growing phenomenon with us, because the problem shows no signs of going away.
We mustn't delude ourselves into thinking that the problem is only prevalent in certain countries. Contrary to what some may believe, groups such as street gangs, biker gangs and the Italian mafia are engaged in human trafficking on a large scale right here in Canada. It's a major problem that we must not ignore.
In my humble opinion, we need to take a two-pronged approach. I don't mean that we should address the problem in two days, but in two stages. The first step would be for committee members to agree on a global vision. Where does Canada stand on this question? What's happening here in Canada compared to other world countries? Subsequently, we could move on to more specific points.
Is human trafficking growing in countries that have decriminalized prostitution? What connection is there, if any, between the decriminalization of prostitution, the legalization of prostitution and human trafficking? Personally, I haven't seen any data on this, unless you have some information you can share with me. I'm not talking about research that may have been done, but about studies Parliament may have done.
What possible link might there be between human trafficking and other forms of criminal activity, be it drug trafficking or terrorism, since all of these activities are connected? I think it's important to have a good grasp of the issue if we plan to strengthen the legislation or formulate other solutions. In my opinion, our first priority should be to focus on human trafficking.
As Ms. Minna was saying, the committee should also turn its overall attention to the economic situation of women. For one day, we could focus on the plight of older women. In fact, during this session, we set aside two days to examine issues pertaining to older women. Eventually, we could hear again from certain individuals about the economic situation older women face.
Social housing is another very important topic, as is employment insurance and day care. These are three very interesting themes, in addition to the status of older women.
In terms of our timetable and schedule, I do hope that the committee will not set aside four meetings to explore human trafficking, and spend a total of nine weeks on the economic situation of women. At the very least, I hope we can hear from a range of witnesses with different viewpoints and insights. I find the list submitted to be quite interesting because its covers the spectrum. It's important, in my view, that we hear from a cross-section of the population.
Getting back to the Subcommittee on Solicitation Laws which is going to sit in September, I think it's very important for us to explore the whole question of human trafficking within the context of solicitation. We would need to set aside at least one day to examine possible links between the increase in human trafficking and the decriminalization, or legalization, of prostitution. I didn't see any mention of this in the material handed to me. I feel that we need to devote an entire day to exploring this important theme. We could study human trafficking from September until the end of October, and then turn our attention for a period of four or five weeks in November and December to the economic situation of women.