Thank you.
I think we have a fairly comprehensive work plan here, and I commend the analysts for the job they've done.
I've listened with interest to what everyone else has said, and a lot of very good comments have been made thus far. I think the human trafficking issue is of great importance, and we need to be looking at that. I think it is an issue for Canadian women. I don't disagree with Ms. Neville when she says it either needs to be made a bit more concise or broadened. I would be more in favour of broadening it at this point.
I'm trying to be concise so everyone gets a chance, but I think human trafficking is very important; we need to be studying that along with the other issues on violence against women. We heard about issues those women face when we listened to NWAC, and they're not the only ones. It can be a common concern across the country.
The economic security of women is extremely important and, as it says here, “the economic security of senior women”. If we look at that first, we may need to look further, but we need to concentrate on “senior”. If we open it wide, we could be here for six months trying to get through that topic. It's huge. We'd be trying to bite off too much. We need to look at security for senior women to start with, and that topic may broaden in the spring. I'm not saying we don't need to look at it in other areas, but it's much too large to try to get done in the timeframe we have.