Thank you, Madam Chair.
I would certainly agree with Ms. Minna that the focus really needs to be on the administrative arm and the degree to which the departments are in fact incorporating this already rolled-out plan into the culture of their departments, if I can use a general term.
I note that it sort of goes back to the earlier point we talked about, which is that we did want to have a look at the reports that were tabled. Now that we have the responses from the government, it would be appropriate--I think it was report 2 that dealt specifically with this topic--that we manage to set the time aside to deal with this. I would agree with Ms. Neville that there's capacity to do that in the course of this fall session. I certainly don't see a problem with it.
We'll have the minister here, perhaps even on two occasions, to deal with other issues relating specifically to the estimates and to reports 1 and 3, which kind of speak to the cost-cutting measures that are in place. I realize there may be some interrelationship there and we'll be able to deal with that, but I think it would be good to focus on this GBA in terms of how it's being rolled out administratively...and an update, as has been mentioned, on the progress, because this is an initiative that I guess started in 2000 and should be ongoing.