Yes, okay.
Gender Based Analysis Update. Whereas Gender Based Analysis (GBA) is a tool that is used to clarify the differences between women and men when developing policies, programs and legislation. Whereas at the fourth United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 Canada, along with 188 other nations, committed to develop a federal plan based on GBA to advance the situation of women, both within its own borders and globally. Whereas Canada played a leading role at the Conference to secure the adoption of a strong Platform for Action that included key agreements on issues such as violence against women, unpaid work, and poverty. Whereas in 2000 the federal government approved the Agenda for Gender Equality, a five year government-wide strategy, that accelerated the implementation of GBA to strengthen government policy capacity. Whereas the Expert Panel on Accountability Mechanisms for Gender Equality in its final report (2005) recommends in the immediate term, taking administrative actions and key policy decisions and in the medium term, adopting legislation to mandate GBA. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), that the Standing Committee on the Status of Women invite the Deputy Ministers from key ministries (Finance, Justice, Human Resources, Immigration and Treasury Board) to provide an update of the implementation of GBA in their areas.