Madam Chair, thank you.
I didn't have a chance to expand on it earlier, but when I initially wrote this motion it was to have the deputy ministers, because I wanted the committee to have a chance to ask the deputy ministers about the procedures and processes in place in their respective ministries that actually make this a reality, rather than something we keep talking about all the time.
Since the cuts that took place yesterday, this motion becomes that much more important. Status of Women Canada is having cuts. How will that affect the program's ability to do the kind of lead work it has to do across the government, across all those sectors, to make sure this training takes place because it's the lead department on that?
Especially given the cuts, this is important for us to be able to see. The recommendations are clear from the gender equality task force, and it's been going on for a long time. This committee should be able to call to account the bureaucracy or the officials to ask what is happening in their respective departments, in finance, exactly. Given the cuts, how is Status of Women Canada impacted in its ability to lead on this issue across the government?
It's a very important, fundamental piece of work that we have to get done, which has been affected.