Madam Chair, if we endorse this motion, we're undertaking to hear from five deputy ministers. You say that maybe two will agree to come. That's not what the motion says. It's a blank cheque of sorts. Maybe two will agree to come, or maybe all five will. What we will do if all five accept our invitation? Are we going to set aside several days to examine human trafficking and meet with five deputy ministers? Perhaps we'd have time to hear from two of them in two hours. If we plan to have all five give testimony, we'd have to set aside a minimum of two and a half days. So then, you're saying that we're going to set aside two and a half days to examine this issue. Correct? I'm merely employing some logic.
Are we going to hear from them at the same time as we hear from the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs? Are we going to cancel our meeting on human trafficking scheduled for October 24? It's all a little too vague. We agree in principle that we need to hear from these individuals. You're asking us to vote on a motion, when in fact we're not really clear on our work plan.