Ms. Mourani, the motion is asking that the deputies from the various departments come before us. For one thing, they have to come before us; I mean, their schedule has to count as well as our schedules. If the motion is adopted, we will have to do our best to try to accommodate our needs to have them come as against what we're also trying to deal with. It will be a question of trying to work our schedules out to the best of our ability.
If we could have had some of our ministers in today, or some of our deputies, we would have had some people today. But we can only put in the request; then we have to try doing the scheduling.
If the motion is adopted, we'll do our best to try to find the time, where we have a slot. It may be one deputy one week on it, and another deputy the week after. We will look at this as we try to do the work plan, in order to get the information back from them. Or we could have an additional meeting if necessary to do it. There are other possibilities to accommodate this, once they agree to come.