Thank you, Madam Chair.
Back in May, this committee recommended a minimum 25% increase to the budget for the Status of Women. Now what we have is almost a 40% cut to the administrative part of this budget. We also have met with women's groups across this country, and there is serious concern that this cut, when you look deeper, is more than administration. It affects the important research work that's done, which is the basis for advocacy and reform to the system. The Status of Women is the one government department whose raison d'être is to give a voice to women. Now we see that the funding criteria have changed: equality is out, social justice is out, advocacy is out, capacity building is out. What's in? Funding for for-profit organizations is in and funding for spiritual initiatives is in.
I'd like to know who the minister consulted with, because once upon a time, back in May, this minister stood for equality for women and backed equality for women, and in fact said it needed more work. So after pressure from the Prime Minister to meet with REAL Women, this has changed. Why? What's happened? I'd like to know whether this minister, after listening to other women's groups across the country, listening to this committee, will have the guts to go to the Prime Minister to fight for the 25% increase, minimum, for this department.