You can look this up--everyone is aware of it--I've worked very closely with Canadian Women in Communications. Within that organization there are many for-profit organizations that have put forward scholarships, apprenticeships, etc. They've asked for support from government at various levels to hold their awards events, to celebrate, to enable the mentorship programs, the gatherings to hear from entrepreneurs on how they can improve their businesses.
I want to say this and I want to make it clear--and I want the full opportunity to do this, Madam Chair. I sit here as a member of this government. I sit here not only as a colleague of cabinet ministers, but I also have full support. I agree with our Prime Minister. He has asked me, and every minister, to deliver real action, to deliver and make changes in the lives of Canadians. Consequently, I have responded in the House that the organization called REAL Women is one organization out of hundreds of other organizations. Just as individuals are entitled to their different positions, so are organizations, and a responsible government.... I am glad I am part of the government, because it means that I can do something, that I have the support of my colleagues, and as government we can effect change.
Consequently, we listen to all organizations. That is the task that has been given by the Prime Minister. He supports me, and I support him.