I don't know what the question was about the reference to the word “real”. I use real as opposed to artificial. I use real meaning concrete. I use real meaning direct. I use real, because I know that in my community to have seen a woman take her children to a food bank for the first time, that's real. That's what we understand that we have to act upon.
We also understand that the cause of those kinds of incidents may not necessarily be within one department. Some of those problems are in the justice department. Some of those problems come out and are addressed in human resources. Some of them have come in economic development. This government is saying that we will address those across this government in the most appropriate way.
We certainly support organizations that do help with the emotional and other aspects of a woman's life, but again it's more direct and it's in the communities themselves. We know a number of these organizations that actually do that. I know that Ms. Minna in Toronto is very familiar with what is done in the Italian community at Villa Columbo to help women and families participate and the social services in having one place to be able to go, one place to engage young children with their grandparents, etc. This is the kind of reality that we want to see happening for every woman across this country.