I was planning to acknowledge that at a later point in the agenda. Thank you.
You have briefing documents from the Library of Parliament on how to study the main estimates, a copy of the Canadian Heritage votes 110 and 115, and the committee calendar.
We'll move to our discussion today on the main estimates. The representatives today are not going to be making presentations. They are here to answer questions anyone has on the estimates so that the committee thoroughly understands the intention of votes 110 and 115.
I also have to mention that the committee has the opportunity to adopt, reduce, or vote negatively on each vote. We do not have the ability to increase, but we do have an ability to decrease. I sense that's not something we're particularly interested in, but I wanted to make sure I pointed out what we can and can't do in the main estimates.
I welcome Florence Ievers, who is our coordinator. Nanci-Jean Waugh is the acting coordinator and ADG of communications, external relations and outreach. Jackie Claxton is the DG of women's programs and regional operations. Hélène Dwyer-Renaud is the acting DG, policy, GBA and research--so we'll be seeing more of you later on this month. Guylaine Metayer is the director of corporate services.
They're here to answer any questions the committee has on the votes we are being asked to table.
Ms. Neville, would you like to start?